2019 is the year you Master Paid Ads on Facebook!
The busy entrepreneurs guide to creating, targeting, and scaling profitable Facebook Ads for your Business or your Client's Business.
(Designed for Business owners who aren't Tech Savvy)
Who is this Facebook Ads Program For?
Dr Ben Adkins
CEO SerialProgressSeeker.com
Dear aspiring "Backpack Entrepreneur",

Over the last 8 years, I've been busy building a multi-million dollar business online by helping entrepreneurs, from all over the world, grow their bottom line by leveraging the internet.

One of the core components of growing a business that is powered by the internet lies in your ability to put your product or service in front of the right people quickly... and do it on demand.

One of the most effective ways that I've used to get my business in front of
potential customers (as well as help my clients do the same) is by leveraging Facebook Ads. Over the years, Facebook has been one of the top ways that I've generated new customers and it's allowed me to continue to grow my business consistently... year after year.

Despite my success and love for advertising on Facebook,
I realize a lot of folks out there haven't been as successful with Facebook Ads.
So why are Facebook Ads so hard for most Businesses to Master?
Because of my track record with Facebook ads, I've been hired and called in to help hundreds of entrepreneurs (from ever corner of the globe) with their Facebook Marketing... and over time... you start seeing patterns.

There are 6 core reasons why most People fail with Facebook Ads

1) They're terrified of the Facebook Ad Editor and therefore never setup an ad in the first place.

2) Their Offer on Facebook isn't something that get's people excited.

3) Their Ad Creative doesn't stand out and therefore gets lost in the newsfeed.

4) They don't understand how to properly use Facebook's Ad Targeting Options.

5) They don't know how to properly Track their Ads.
(and they end up killing ads that are working and feeding more money into ads that aren't)

6) They don't understand how to Scale and Ad that has early conversions into a Monster.
(you can actually kill a high converting ad on Facebook by pouring too much money into it at once)
Is my "Facebook Ads Backpack Guide" a fit for you?
If you're running an online business that sells digital products... yes.
If you're running a digital agency that helps Local Businesses... yes.
If you're looking to sell more of your software or app online... yes.

With that said...
Let's dig into what you're going to learn inside the Program.
What I'll be Covering Inside of the
"2019 Facebook Ads Backpack Guide"

How to Craft a Jaw Dropping Offer for Facebook in 2019.

It doesn't matter how good you are at the technical part of Facebook Ads, if you don't have a good offer to promote. The secret to creating great Facebook offers is to follow what has already been working on Facebook. 

Inside of this section, I'll walk you through a system that allows me to create the kinds of offers that get attention in Facebook's crowded newsfeed. You'll also get access to my "Jaw Dropping Offer Creation Checklist" PDF that will give you a quick set of steps to take in order to always create the right kind of offer for your Facebook Audience.

This section consist of an over the shoulder video tutorial and a Printable PDF checklist for easy recall.

How to Create an Eye Catching Ad Creative.

The name of the game on Facebook is getting people's attention and then getting them to engage with your ad. To do this properly you need to know exactly the kinds of ad images that get attention and how to create them fast for any offer that you're putting together. From there, you need to know how to craft effective ad copy that makes your offer appealing... while not coming off too much like you're trying to sell something (Facebook ad copy is less about direct sales and more about telling an engaging story that leads people to ask more).

In this section, we'll cover exactly how to create a great ad image and attention-sucking ad copy. You'll also get access to my "Ad Image and Copy Creation Checklist" PDF that will give you a quick process to always creating great ad creatives.

This section consist of an over the shoulder video tutorial and a Printable PDF checklist for easy recall.

How to Target your FB Ad Like a Pro.

Once you put together the right offer and create an ad that will be attractive for your potential customers, you've got to make sure that you know how to get it in front of the right folks on Facebook.

In this section, I'll be walking you through my Facebook Ad Targeting strategy and showing you the repeatable way that you can always nail down your best targeting options using a few simple steps. You'll also get access to my "Ad Targeting Strategy and Rules" PDF that will put my targeting strategy at your fingertips (without having to go back through the main training).

This section consist of an over the shoulder video tutorial and a Printable PDF checklist for easy recall.

 How to Setup Rock Solid Ad Tracking:

Like it or not, most ad campaigns don't win right out of the gate. The key to creating a Facebook Ad campaign that powers your business while you sleep is to be able to effectively track which ad and targeting options are actually driving sales for your business. A Good ad campaign has very little to do with which ad is getting the most clicks... it's about which ad is actually driving leads that turn into sales.

In this section, I'll be walking you through how to set up tracking for your ads, my "ad data checking routine", and what to do based on that data. This is the key to FINALLY conquering Facebook ads and having a real strategy for building winning campaigns.

You'll also get access to my "Ad Tracking and Setup Checklist" PDF for easy access to the strategy (without having to go back through the full video training).

This section consist of an over the shoulder video tutorial and a Printable PDF checklist for easy recall.

How to Scale your Ads in 2019: 

Once you start dialing in winners, the natural tendency is to just pour money into the ad campaigns that are working. This can actually be the death of a winning Facebook Ad.

In this section, I'll walk you through the "odd quirks" of taking a winning Facebook Ad... and getting it to scale for your business. This is how you ramp up and grow your sales faster using Facebook.

You'll also get access to my "Ad Scaling Strategy and Rules" PDF for easy access to the strategy (without having to go back through the full video training).

This section consist of an over the shoulder video tutorial and a Printable PDF checklist for easy recall.
And throughout all of parts 1-5, 
I'll be walking you and your staff through exactly how to navigate and use the current Facebook Ad Editor (it's time to get rid of any confusion and get your comfortable with how it all works).

Jump in and Grab Your Seat Now using the Link Below...
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Upgrade your Facebook Ads this Week.
But wait... There are 2 versions of this Program...
What do you get if you Purchase the Advanced Version?

[Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #1:
Dr Ben Adkins' "Book Bot Funnel" and Ad Campaign. 

You're going to get a behind the scenes walk through of a funnel that I designed to build buzz and interest in a $1500 Flagship Digital Program. 

The front of the funnel is designed to give away an audio book and build the necessary trust and expertise to get people ready to buy the higher ticket program.

Inside of this section, I'll walk you through exactly how I created the book, how I built the pages that power the funnel, what the ad campaign that powers it looks like, and how we did it all in less than 30 days. (I'll also show you the cool little messenger bot that is a big part of how this funnel works)

    [Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #2:
    Dr Ben's "Autowebinar Funnel" & Ad Campaign.

    You're going to a behind the scenes walk through of a funnel that I designed to sell a $1000 program that helps people to build a subscription business around selling templated websites.

    Inside of this section, I'll show you how I created the sales webinar, the platform we use to run the webinar daily, and the ad campaign that sends traffic to the webinar every day of the week. 

    (I'll also walk you through the email campaign that help make sales after someone watches the webinar).

      [Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #3:
      Dr Ben's "Top 6 Local Business Funnels" & Ad Campaigns

      You're going to get a behind the scenes look at 6 of my favorite funnels that we use to help my Agency's Local Business clients.

      You're going to see my Dental, Chiropractic, Fitness Center, Plastic Surgeon, Real Estate, and Restaurant Funnels.

      I'll also be walking you through the ad campaigns that power these funnels.
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Where did Dr Ben Adkins get his Facebook Ad experience?
        Dr Ben Adkins started using Facebook ads in 2011 to grow his Chiropractic office. Since then he's managed Facebook ad campaigns for his Digital Marketing Agency Clients and helped thousands of entrepreneur from all over the world. He's consulting on hundreds of Facebook ad campaigns. He is also bringing you the experience that he has gained from networking with other top Facebook ad experts.
        How is the training delivered?
        The training will be delivered via a live webinar. The recordings of that live webinar will be edited into sections and added to a member's area within 2 business days of the live webinar. You'll have continued access to the member's area as a part of your purchase (you'll be emailed access instructions for the member's area after the live call is complete and the replays have been added). You will also have access to PDF and support materials as they apply to the course that you purchased.
        Do You have a Refund Policy?
        Yes... But it's not a little different than most.
        Dr Ben's courses are not for tire kickers or to just see the inside of the member's area. Dr Ben's programs have helped to build multi-million dollar companies all over the world. These programs are for serious entrepreneurs with real businesses. With that said, we offer a 60 day money back guarantee instead of the typical 30 day guarantee. This is because we want you to have plenty of time to go through the program and put it into action. We do not give refunds to people who have not gone through the entire program. You must watch 100% of the program for a refund request to be considered. That said, the 60 day guarantee is in place to give you plenty of time to go through the course and put everything into action. If it's still not a fit after you've done that, we are more than happy to buy the program back from you if you submit a request before 60 days.
        Do you guarantee results for my business?
        As much as we would love to be able to do that, there is no possible way we can. Creating and running any business is difficult and most businesses don't make it because of that. While we do have an amazing track record in terms of helping others, we can not guarantee your success with our programs (no one can). We are damn good at what we do but we can't control how you use the information that we provide or the application of your other skills.
        What if I need help or have more questions after the training?
        You're not just investing in a training program. Your investment covers ongoing support. We encourage you to ask us questions anytime by sending in your questions at http://www.serialprogressseeker.com/support.
        Get Instant Access Now.
        Upgrade your Facebook Ads this Week.
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